Sunday, 19 May 2013

Doctor Who - In The Name of the Doctor. Some thoughts about that ending!

I'm going to try and get my thoughts in order regarding the amazing ending to In The Name Of The Doctor. 

So, the Doctor goes by the name “The Doctor” because he helps people. In an ironic twist, an earlier episode showed us that medical doctors are called Doctors in honour of The Doctor. Anyway, I digress. 

As we know, the Doctor regenerates. Somewhere down the line one of his regenerations did something bad. So evil that it wasn't “in the name of the Doctor”. This regeneration has been shunned by the others, and doesn't use the name "Doctor". So Matt Smith is still the 11th version to go by the name Doctor, but the 12th Regeneration.

Now, as we've seen all the regenerations bar one, there is only 2 explanations left: 

1: John Hurt's Character was the original version, who then regenerated into William Hartnell, or 

2: John Hurt is between McGann and Ecclestone (the only regeneration we haven't seen on screen) 

If it's 1 then we can assume that whatever he did caused Hartnell to steal the TARDIS and run away from Gallifrey in the first place 

If it's 2 then we can guess that maybe Hurt was responsible for ending the Time War. 

In the episode "The Beast Below" (the second episode of the Smith Era), the Doctor runs through his options. 

"Three options. One, I let the Star Whale continue in unendurable agony for hundreds more years. Two, I kill everyone on this ship. Three, I murder a beautiful, innocent creature as painlessly as I can. And then I find a new name 'cause I won't be The Doctor anymore."

So we at least have form for him knowing sometimes you have to make the hard choices... I guess we'll have to wait till November 23rd to find out!

(And for those new viewers who didn't realise, 23rd November 1963 was the air date of the first episode - An UnEarthly Child)

1 comment:

  1. As a follow up to the point on him ending the time war.. Now I've had time to think and reflect; Eccles, Tennant and Smith have all been quite forward in their "I ended the Time War" ways, so I'm now doubting that's what Hurt did.

    Maybe - and this is a curve ball here - Hurt STARTED the Time War! Maybe his actions "In the name of Peace and Sanity" started the Daleks off on their total annihilation of the Time Lords, which then a newly regenerated Eccles had to finish?
